16 October 2007
Researchers pronounce diving with asthma "safe"
In a new study, Israeli researchers reviewed the scientific literature to evaluate the risks asthmatics take when diving.
They found that although there is some indication that asthmatics may be at an increased risk of pulmonary barotrauma (burst lung), the risk seems to be small.
Thus, under the right circumstances, they concluded that patients with asthma can safely dive without any apparent increased risk of an asthma-related event. They added that decisions on whether or not diving is hazardous must be made on an individual basis and be founded upon an informed decision shared by both patient and physician.
Journal Reference: Sade K et al. [Asthma and scuba diving: can...[PMID: 17476937]
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ive been diving 19 years with asthma and it has never caused me a problem because if i dont feel right i dont dive which it should be for all divers not just ashtmatics so why do i have to visit a dive referee 1 in 3 years
pay £30 just so he can ask me if ive had any problems do a peak flow test and tell me i am ok
my asthma is well under control
i do a phisical job go to the gym regularly and visit my asthma clinic at my gp so i think i should be able to self cert
now use a rebreather which
aleaviates the dry air problem on long dives also means high air consumption which could be a problem if breathing patterns changed would not be as big a problem done exess of 1500 dives
think it does me good
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ive been diving 19 years with asthma and it has never caused me a problem because if i dont feel right i dont dive which it should be for all divers not just ashtmatics so why do i have to visit a dive referee 1 in 3 years
pay £30 just so he can ask me if ive had any problems do a peak flow test and tell me i am ok
my asthma is well under control
i do a phisical job go to the gym regularly and visit my asthma clinic at my gp so i think i should be able to self cert
now use a rebreather which
aleaviates the dry air problem on long dives also means high air consumption which could be a problem if breathing patterns changed would not be as big a problem done exess of 1500 dives
think it does me good
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