We are extremely pleased to have just published the 200th issue of our newsletter, SCUBA News (ISSN 1476-8011).

We sent our first newsletter in the year 2000. It was before any social media, before Wikipedia.

The newsletter has changed in that time. The first issues were all text: no pictures whatsoever. We still, though, aim to provide useful information for divers who like to travel the world and care about the marine environment.

And if you are, or have been, one of our subscribers – THANK YOU! We couldn’t have kept going without your articles, emails, suggestions and photos.

You can read the 200th issue at http://www.scubatravel.co.uk/scuba-news200.html – it contains a feature on award winning underwater photographs such as the one above.
Other issues, including the first one, are archived at the SCUBA Travel web site.

If you would like to subscribe (and please do) just fill in your email address.


Our 200th issue contained a feature on award winning underwater photographs in the Ocean Art competition, underwater environmental news, notes on diving with whale sharks in Djibouti, what to expect underneath Croatia’s sea and scuba Cuba. We also regularly spotlight a marine “creature of the month” and publish letters from readers. We look forward to hearing from you.

SCUBA News (ISSN 1476-8011) is published by SCUBA Travel.


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