
Home sealife fish
How many manta rays are in the Seychelles? Where are they going? When are they there? All is revealed.
The warming Mediterranean exacerbates the problem of invasive lionfish. What can divers do?
Like many nocturnal fish, the Giant Squirrelfish, Sargocentron spiniferum, is red. To divers it is easy to spot during the day, but to other fish it blends into its dark crevice or cave.
A large mouth, eyes set high on the head and its tufted tentacles above each eye give the Tompot Blenny (Parablennius gattorugine) a comical appearance. A much smaller fringed tentacle is positioned on the nostril beneath each eye.
These slow moving fish are not at all intimidated by divers, and often come to greet you on your dive - where to see them and why some of them follow turtles
Most fish for human consumption contain microplastics, according to new study. Scientists from New Zealand and Australia detected microplastics in 75% of commercial fish species. Both bottom-dwellers and pelagic fish were...
The Gulf of Maine, historically the fishing breadbasket of North America, is now empty. As a child, I was lucky enough to spend my summers with my grandparents in Maine (aka, Vacationland). This meant...
The most common clownfish in the Red Sea, hence its name. But it doesn't just live in the Red Sea. You will also find it in the Gulf of Aden and in the Chagos Islands in the...
1. They are the most poisonous fish in the sea The Puffer is harmless, unless eaten. The liver, intestines, gonads and skin are highly poisonous and cause death in around 60% of people...
People eat a lot of fish. Different sex-changing fish can follow several signals that prompt them to change sex. Some change from female to male at a fixed size or age. Often, fisheries will only harvest fish over a certain size. This means catching more males because they are usually bigger, which then skews the population towards female. Not enough males are then available to fertilise all the eggs produced by the females.