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1. They are the most poisonous fish in the sea The Puffer is harmless, unless eaten. The liver, intestines, gonads and skin are highly poisonous and cause death in around 60% of people...
People eat a lot of fish. Different sex-changing fish can follow several signals that prompt them to change sex. Some change from female to male at a fixed size or age. Often, fisheries will only harvest fish over a certain size. This means catching more males because they are usually bigger, which then skews the population towards female. Not enough males are then available to fertilise all the eggs produced by the females.
Also known as the Carpetflathead, the Crocodilefish lives on sand and rubble near coral heads - although you might also find it in patches of seagrass. A widespread species, it ranges from the Red Sea to Durban,...
Scientists urge divers to remove lionfish whent they see them in the Mediterranean as they are a huge threat to native species
Good news for Indonesia's shark sanctuary: sharks and other fish are more abundant within zones with fishing restrictions according to a new study. Bad news for the people who fish for a living - they sometimes turned to crime...
With tentacles up to three metres long and covered with stinging cells, it's better not to get too close to the Lion's Mane jellyfish. It's body can be 2 metres across, making it one of the largest species of...
Lionfish, genus Pterois, is very popular amongst those with aquariums, and this trade may have led to them being described as amongst some of the most aggressively invasive species on the planet. Lionfish are native to the...
Marine Stewardship Council awards the Maldives' pole-and-line skipjack tuna fishery its sustainability certification. This follows independent assessment against the MSC's environmental standard. The tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) from members of the Maldives Seafood Processors and Exporters Association (MSPEA), can...
Crown Butterflyfish (Chaetodon paucifasciatus) is an indicator species of healthy hard coral.
The scorpionfish is one of the most venomous fish in the world. Its poison causes severe pain and paralysis. This scorpionfish is extermely well-camouflaged: it can change colour to match its background and has many "tassles" masking its outline.