Seen sea snake in the Red Sea? It’s actually a spotted snake eel: there are no sea snakes in the Red Sea. The spotted snake eel mimics the venomous reptiles by looking and moving like a serpent (as shown in the video below). The subject of its mimicry, though, is kept out of the Red Sea by the saltiness of the water.

The snake eels are an interesting group, seen much less frequently than the morays.

Spotted snake eel in Red Sea. Jill Studholme

The spotted snake eel can grow up to 1 m long, but is usually less than half that length. It generally lives at depths between 1 and 25 m. However, it has been found 262 m down. You see it most often on sandy areas by reefs.

A different species of spotted snake eel, Myrichthys tigrinus, in Tenerife. Philippe Guillaume/ CC BY 2.0

Feeding on fishes and crustaceans, it hunts by sense of smell. Like a lot of snake eels it burrows into sand. The tip of its tail is hard allowing it to dig down.

The eels live not just in the Red Sea, but in the Indian and Pacific Oceans down to South East Australia and South Africa. They are also known as tiger snake eels or oscellate snake eels.


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