The Underwater Photography Guide is announcing its last call for entries to the Ocean Art 2018 underwater photography competition! They are accepting entries until 5 December 2018!

Over $80,000 in prizes will be available during this year’s competition from almost 30 scuba diving resorts, liveaboard dive yachts, and underwater photo gear manufacturers – including a new prize from the ultra-luxury Vortex liveaboard. Winners will be announced early January, 2019. As always, winners will rank their prizes so they actually receive a prize that they want, unlike many other competitions.

Global Media Coverage

In the past, winners have received coverage in approximately 40 print magazines around the world, and countless major websites. Ocean Art has become one of the most prestigious underwater photo contests in the world. Winning photos will be displayed through our media partners online and in print across the globe, bringing unparalleled exposure for the winners.

This year we’ve seen more interest than ever, and you can expect the winning photos to appear in even more major online websites, plus some of the top print photography magazines.

Rule Changes

At the Underwater Photography Guide we work continuously to improve the Ocean Art competition.We are happy to announce that we are making a rule change and a category change:

  1. All images are now eligible regardless of past use or entry into past competitions. Keep in mind that some judges may prefer newer, fresher images.
  2. We are pleased to announced a new category: Underwater Art! The Underwater Art category is replacing our old pool/conceptual category.

Photos entered in the Underwater Art category can be taken in any underwater environment – including controlled environments (e.g., pools, tanks). The main subject can be anything ranging from an abstract concept to a person (a diver, freediver, model, etc.) to a fish. Commercial photographs are allowed. There are no post-processing restrictions in this category, so let your imagination fly.
Update on Judges & Photo Entry Tips

The esteemed judging panel consists of Martin Edge, Marty Snyderman, Scott Gietler, and Tony Wu. Learn more about the Ocean Art Judges, including tips on submissions.

Enter the contest at


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