Home Authors Posts by Jill Studholme

Jill Studholme

A scuba diver for over 40 years with a degree in biology, Jill Studholme has an special interest in marine biology, coral reef conservation and the underwater environment. She edits SCUBA News (ISSN 1476-8011), the monthly newsletter with articles on diving and marine science. She tweets as @SCUBANews.

Mexico bans white shark diving at Guadalupe until December

Divers go to Guadalupe to see great white sharks, but this year the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas closed the reserve to shark cage diving and other recreational activities from May until the end of December.
geometric moray, Photo credit: Tim Sheerman-Chase (CC BY 2.0)

Five fascinating facts about geometric moray eels

1. Geometric moray eels are male and female at the same time Photo credit:...
snorkel reefworld

Reef World launches best practice for snorkellers guide

If not done responsibly, the cumulative impact from all snorkellers worldwide increases pressure on the already vulnerable coral reefs.
oceanario lisbon

We interview marine conservationist Núria Baylina

We talk to Nuria Baylina about making the Manta Ray Azores project self-sufficient with the help of holidaying scuba divers.

Devil rays and mantas: Interview with marine scientist Ana Filipa Sobral

Marine biologist Anna Sobral founded Manta Catalog Azores in 2012 to develop understanding of manta and devil rays. The Azores is one...

Amazingly, stingrays can add up and subtract

Stingrays can calculate. Scientists have trained the rays to do simple adding and subtracting. (They learned addition quicker, just like children do.)
diver measuring oyster

Operation Oyster opens soon

Take your citizen science to the next level with Operation Oyster. Divers are asked to incorporate oyster data gathering into their regular diving activities throughout the year.
Fighting pike

Extraordinary fighting pike win best in show in 10th Ocean Art contest

Extraordinary photo of a pair of Pike locked in a ferocious battle wins international underwater photo contest
leopard spotted goby

The Distinctive Leopard-Spotted Goby

A shy fish, the leopard-spotted goby lives in cracks on steep walls and caves. Shipwrecks are also a favourite habitat. You find...

Ocean Art 2021 Underwater Photo Competition now open

The 10th annual Ocean Art contest is now accepting entries. A long list of prizes valued at over $30000 are up for grabs for both amateur and professional photographers.