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Potato Cod is Creature of the Month

The mighty potato cod of Australia and the Pacific grows to 2 m long and can weigh 110 kg (242 lbs or...
Tassled Scorpion Fish

Tassled Scorpionfish is one of the World’s most Venomous Fish

The scorpionfish is one of the most venomous fish in the world. Its poison causes severe pain and paralysis. This scorpionfish is extermely well-camouflaged: it can change colour to match its background and has many "tassles" masking its outline.
soft coral

Soft Coral is Reef Building

Scientists have long believed soft corals, one of the many endangered elements of marine life, are only minor contributors to the structure of coral...

Winners announced in Ocean Art Underwater Photo Competition

The Ocean Art Underwater Photo competition, organized by the Underwater Photography Guide, has announced its winners for 2010. Judges included professional photographers Martin...
Bullethead Parrotfish, Chlorurus sordidus

Fish mucous cocoons: the mosquito nets of the sea

Researchers have found that fish have developed their own mosquito nets in order to get a good night's sleep.

Creature of the Month: Dragonet, Callionymus lyra

  One hundred and eighty-six species of the "Little Dragon" fish live from Iceland in the North to the...
Beautiful red and white Pygmy seahorse

The Seahorse is Creature of the Month

Seahorses are delightful to spot, curling onto sponges, coral or sea grass. They range in size from the tiny Hippocampus denise which...
Divers Decompressing

Exercise during decompression stop reduces bubbles in blood

Decompression sickness is initiated by the formation of gas bubbles in tissue and blood, if the divers return to surface pressure too fast....