People around the world are increasingly looking for fish products from a sustainable source, according to research conducted on behalf of the Marine Stewardship Council (MRC).

The researchers questioned 9000 buyers of seafood in Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the USA.

Almost all (90%) respondents thought that ocean sustainability is important, with 55% saying that falling fish stocks has become a more important issue than it was a year ago. 60% agreed that buying sustainably caught seafood would help to ensure fish stocks for future generations.

This concern for ocean health is being translated into shoppers’ purchasing decisions, with two in five (41%) actively looking for fish products from a sustainable source, an increase of five percent since 2010 (36%).

Supermarkets and restaurants are seen to have a key role in ensuring the sustainability of seafood. Almost two thirds (65%) of those surveyed agreed that it’s important for supermarkets to make sure that they are selling sustainably caught fish. Those in France (78%) and Australia (74%) were the most likely to place responsibility with supermarkets. Almost the same number (61%) agreed that restaurants should show sustainable seafood options on their menus.

Unsurprisingly price was the main influence on buying descisions – with 79% quoting cost as important. However, traceability of the product (and its sustainability also ranked highly (66% and 61% respectively).

Further Reading:
Marine Stewardship Council


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