Prevention of bubble formation is a central goal in standard decompression procedures. According to research published in the FASEB Journal, nitric oxide reduces bubble formation following decompression after dives of different duration and to different depths.
In their experiments, the...
Current thinking is that strenuous exercise after diving increases the risk of decompression sickness.
Decompression sickness is caused by nitrogen being released from the blood too quickly, forming bubbles which may expand and injure tissue or block blood vessels. Anything...
The effect of aging on risk for development of decompression illness in SCUBA divers has often been reported as an incidental finding in epidemiological analyses of diving accidents. Previously no publications had specifically attempted to quantify or qualify those...
Decompression sickness is initiated by the formation of gas bubbles in tissue and blood, if the divers return to surface pressure too fast. The effect of exercise before, during, and after dive on bubble formation is still controversial....