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Top 10 dives in Scandinavia from orcas to wrecks and whirlpools
The ocean has warmed by about 1 degree C, increased in salinity and decreased in oxygen. Furthermore, acidity has increased by over 30%.
Few divers know about Mexico’s sardine run yet it rivals its equivalent in South Africa and is an impressive display of nature’s raw power. Accessible to divers and non-divers alike, all you need is a sense of...
A rare and fascinating portrait of a Crab-Eating Macaque resolutely swimming through the ocean, captured by Suliman Alatiqi, tops this year’s Ocean Art underwater photography contest. The photo is a result of weeks of planning and documentation,...
Scuba Schools International (SSI) has launched a new Facebook group, Underwater Explorers Worldwide. This new community is designed to bring together divers from around the world to share their knowledge and passion for underwater adventures.
From the cuttlefish's incredible powers of mimicry even though colour blind, to waiting for a better reward like dogs and chimps.
Revealed: the best dives in the Med in 2024, as voted for by scuba divers. How many have you dived?
We're often asked questions by aspiring scuba divers, this guide answers just about all of them from how deep can I go to what equipment do I need. The scuba FAQ.
How many manta rays are in the Seychelles? Where are they going? When are they there? All is revealed.
This newly described species is found only in the Red Sea. Often confused with Hector's goby, Hosai's goby has a yellow stripe going over its eye and rejoining behind.