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Cuttlefish are renown for their tremendous camouflage capabilities - changing the colour and texture of their skin to match their surroundings. They have another weapon in their hide and seek armoury though - electric cloaking.
Divers are killing crown-of-thorns starfish by injecting them with vinegar. Meanwhile, scientists are testing using starfish-killing robots rather than divers.
Lionfish, genus Pterois, is very popular amongst those with aquariums, and this trade may have led to them being described as amongst some of the most aggressively invasive species on the planet. Lionfish are native to the...
The Underwater Photography Guide is now accepting entries for the 5th annual Ocean Art competition. Prizes worth over $75000 are on offer in 15 categories giving underwater photographers of all levels a chance to win. For the less experienced...
Materials commonly used in sunscreens are harmful to marine life. Research shows sea urchin embryos, plankton and coral all affected.
Mother turtles find their way back to nesting beaches by looking for unique magnetic signatures along the coast, according to a new study published in Current Biology. Loggerhead turtles, for example, leave the beach where...
Winner of prestigious underwater photography contest was announced today as Ray Collins, with his shot through the arc of a wave on a Gold Coast Beach. More fabulous photos feature in 12 categories. The judges awarded prizes to 60 photographers from entries from 50 countries.
Tomorrow is the SCUBA Challenge, where disabled and able-bodied divers will complete 64 lengths in the pool - fully kitted up - and 2 open water dives to raise money for Disability Day. Organised by Dave Thompson, who sustained a...
The British Sub-Aqua Club has launched Diving for All, a new instructor course designed to provide qualified Instructors with the skills and mindset to teach people with disabilities within their branches and centres. Following a series of pilots the first...
The loss of sharks could contribute to the destruction of one of the planet’s most under-appreciated sources of carbon storage — seagrasses, according to FIU researchers. Not that sharks eat the seagrass, they don't, but they do eat the...