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Scientists urge divers to remove lionfish whent they see them in the Mediterranean as they are a huge threat to native species
The octopus is believed to be the most intelligent of all invertebrates. As well as its relatively large brain, each of the octopus' eight arms has its own rudimentary intelligence. This allows the arms to function independently....
Good news for Indonesia's shark sanctuary: sharks and other fish are more abundant within zones with fishing restrictions according to a new study. Bad news for the people who fish for a living - they sometimes turned to crime...
More sharks live around the Galapagos Darwin and Wolf Islands than anywhere else on the planet
With tentacles up to three metres long and covered with stinging cells, it's better not to get too close to the Lion's Mane jellyfish. It's body can be 2 metres across, making it one of the largest species of...
Cuttlefish are renown for their tremendous camouflage capabilities - changing the colour and texture of their skin to match their surroundings. They have another weapon in their hide and seek armoury though - electric cloaking.
Divers are killing crown-of-thorns starfish by injecting them with vinegar. Meanwhile, scientists are testing using starfish-killing robots rather than divers.
Lionfish, genus Pterois, is very popular amongst those with aquariums, and this trade may have led to them being described as amongst some of the most aggressively invasive species on the planet. Lionfish are native to the...