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Thailand has banned several sunscreen products from the country’s national marine parks. These contain chemical compounds proven to be harmful to coral reefs People ignoring the ban can be fined 100,000 baht - nearly $3000...
Although some have argued that climate change is so overwhelming that conserving coral reefs on a local scale is futile, study finds local actions magnify the effects of climate-driven heat waves. Local action to conserve coral reefs can help reefs withstand the effects of climate change.
The Coral Triangle and Pacific Ocean host some of the world’s most biodiverse dive destinations, where you can encounter over 3000 fish species and 70% of all known coral species. Offering unparalleled reef and wreck diving, marine...
You see the Moorish Idol in ones, twos or large groups in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It's not found in the Northern Red Sea though. They are very easy to recognise, with their daytime black, white...
The best way to protect corals threatened by climate change is to conserve a wide range of their habitats, according to a study in Nature Climate Change. The finding likely applies to conservation efforts for many other species in...
Ocean warming is threatening coral reefs globally. Whenever sea temperatures rise in an area, coral reefs degrade. However, a new study has found that corals at or near the equator are less affected than corals elsewhere. The findings from Florida...
Most Caribbean coral reefs may disappear within 20 years, if something isn't done, a new report warns - but for once global warming is not to blame.
Warming seas around the world are threatening corals. But scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Bar-Ilan University have noticed that corals in Eilat, at the North of the Red Sea, remain healthy even when exposed to higher...
Scientists have long believed soft corals, one of the many endangered elements of marine life, are only minor contributors to the structure of coral reefs. But that's not true, says new research from Tel Aviv University. A new in-depth analysis...
Researchers have found that fish have developed their own mosquito nets in order to get a good night's sleep.