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Image: Dr Maria Byrne, CC by 4.0 Sea urchins can pass heatwave resistance on to the next generation, according to a recently published study. Global ocean temperatures are increasing,...
Divers go to Guadalupe to see great white sharks, but this year the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas closed the reserve to shark cage diving and other recreational activities from May until the end of December.
Take part in the Shark Trust's community science project and to help gather vital information about global shark distribution. During the last week in July 2022 they want buddy pairs, dive centres, clubs and boats to record...
This Autumn the Shark Trust are hosting Sharks International 2022. In other years you would have had to attend this scientific symposium in person, but this year it's different. It is the first time...
The Gulf of Maine, historically the fishing breadbasket of North America, is now empty. As a child, I was lucky enough to spend my summers with my grandparents in Maine (aka, Vacationland). This meant...
1. Geometric moray eels are male and female at the same time Photo credit: Tim Sheerman-Chase (CC BY 2.0) When mating, each geometric moray eel can act...
We talk to Nuria Baylina about making the Manta Ray Azores project self-sufficient with the help of holidaying scuba divers.
Marine biologist Anna Sobral founded Manta Catalog Azores in 2012 to develop understanding of manta and devil rays. The Azores is one of the few places that these rays are known to congregate: the large Sicklefin devil...
Three marine molluscs have made the shortlist for the 'Mollusc of the Year 2022'. And divers everywhere can vote.
Take your citizen science to the next level with Operation Oyster. Divers are asked to incorporate oyster data gathering into their regular diving activities throughout the year.