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What makes the Cuttlefish so good at controlling its colour and blending in with its surroundings? This month scientists at Harvard University and the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory have helped answer that question. It has been long known that...
Shark feeding dives are increasing, yet are controversial. Shark tourism has great economic benefits, and can help shark conservation. What are the drawbacks?
Mother turtles find their way back to nesting beaches by looking for unique magnetic signatures along the coast, according to a new study published in Current Biology. Loggerhead turtles, for example, leave the beach where...
I am often told how adventurous, crazy or "brave" I am, and that I take big risks. I don't take crazy risks, but I do take calculated ones, and participate in activities that may seem overly risky, but I...
At 9 foot long, not including the tail, tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) Harry Lindo is not exactly on the small side.  It’s not Harry’s size that is exciting scientists and shark enthusiasts, nor a photograph taken in 2009 by Ian...
Great white sharks know surfers aren't seals - most are just curious
It's a minefield trying to buy a sunscreen which doesn't harm the sea life. Even those trumpeting their green credentials are not always free from harmful chemicals and components. You have to read the label very carefully. So what are the nasties to look out for?
Scientists urge divers to remove lionfish whent they see them in the Mediterranean as they are a huge threat to native species
The octopus is believed to be the most intelligent of all invertebrates. As well as its relatively large brain, each of the octopus' eight arms has its own rudimentary intelligence. This allows the arms to function independently....
Good news for Indonesia's shark sanctuary: sharks and other fish are more abundant within zones with fishing restrictions according to a new study. Bad news for the people who fish for a living - they sometimes turned to crime...