Home Authors Posts by Robert Lovell

Robert Lovell

Even drinks cans contain plastic

5 everyday items that contain hidden plastic

Plastic is a big problem for our oceans - a fact that has been widely publicised through environmental and conservation organisations. According to National...
Diving easter island

Top 3 scuba diving destinations for 2023

Never mind “New Year New Me” this year. The chances are that if you make any resolutions to change your life radically...

How the way we travel is changing

Scuba diving is one of those hobbies that naturally entails a great deal of foreign travel, as you jet across the world looking to...
diver's bubbles in the sea

What you might not know about Chinese environmental policy

There is perhaps an iconic image of China in the minds of many in developed and western nations of smog-filled Chinese cities,...

The impact of the Australian bushfires on wildlife

In recent weeks the world has been gripped by the ongoing environmental and humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Australia. The country has been...
Coral reef Australia

“Changed and less resilient”: Great Barrier Reef at risk

One of the great joys of scuba diving is having the opportunity to witness the incredible beauty of our oceans. Teaming with...
climate change - time to do something

Can we stop, or even reverse, climate change?

It would not be an overstatement to say that climate change is the greatest crisis facing the human race. The potential warming of our...