Ocean warming is threatening coral reefs globally. Whenever sea temperatures rise in an area, coral reefs degrade. However, a new study has found that corals at or near the equator are less affected than corals elsewhere.
The findings from Florida...
Diving hotspot Palau is the world's first country to ban sunscreen lotion containing environmentally harmful ingredients.
What to expect when cage diving with sharks, and what to consider before you go. Cage diving with sharks gives a chance to see these beautiful animals up close. However, it is controversial. Scientific research on cage diving, though, concludes that the effect of cage diving is positive for the sharks, the environment and the local people - provided the dive operators conform to codes of behaviour.
As Plumose anemones can clone themselves, forests of them appear together. They comprise a tall, smooth column topped with a crown of feathery tentacles. Individuals are usually white or orange. They like areas with currents so tend to live on prominent pieces of wrecks or on rocky pinnacles - good diving areas.
Venomous sea creatures often change their venom recipe, adapting the potency and recipe of their venom to suit changing predators and aquatic environments.
A simple bottle of seawater shows the identifiable tracks of numerous species of shark - no need for baiting, hooking, filming or tagging.
Shark diving tourism is a growing industry estimated to be worth more than $25.5 million annually in Australia.
A new report has documented the value on marine wildlife tourism, underlining a need for adequate management of shark species to ensure...
I am often told how adventurous, crazy or "brave" I am, and that I take big risks. I don't take crazy risks, but I do take calculated ones, and participate in activities that may seem overly risky, but I...
Does diving with sharks and rays affect their behaviour? How can divers and dive operators ensure that they dive with sharks responsibly?
Great white sharks know surfers aren't seals - most are just curious