SCUBA diving
Home SCUBA diving
Current thinking is that strenuous exercise after diving increases the risk of decompression sickness.
Decompression sickness is caused by nitrogen being released from the blood too quickly, forming bubbles which may expand and injure tissue or block blood vessels. Anything...
The effect of aging on risk for development of decompression illness in SCUBA divers has often been reported as an incidental finding in epidemiological analyses of diving accidents. Previously no publications had specifically attempted to quantify or qualify those...
Most fatal diving accidents could be avoided if adequate diving safety procedures are followed, a study suggests. Of 40 deaths studied, only 6 were caused by defective equipment.
Closing a hole in the heart (a pfo) reduces the risk of decompression sickness by eliminating bubbles in the arteries after a dive
We're often asked questions by aspiring scuba divers, this guide answers just about all of them from how deep can I go to what equipment do I need. The scuba FAQ.
Scientists have long believed soft corals, one of the many endangered elements of marine life, are only minor contributors to the structure of coral reefs. But that's not true, says new research from Tel Aviv University.
A new in-depth analysis...
One hundred and eighty-six species of the "Little Dragon" fish live from Iceland in the North to the Indo-Pacific oceans in the South. You will find the species we are concentrating on today,...
Researchers have found that fish have developed their own mosquito nets in order to get a good night's sleep.
The Ocean Art Underwater Photo competition, organized by the Underwater Photography Guide, has announced its winners for 2010. Judges included professional photographers Martin Edge, Chris Newbert, Marty Snyderman and Bonnie Pelnar. Over $67,000 worth of prizes were...
The mighty potato cod of Australia and the Pacific grows to 2 m long and can weigh 110 kg (242 lbs or over 17 stone). It is a grouper, exceedingly territorial and very aggressive towards intruders. A...