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Seals use their whiskers to sense food by tracking the vortices left by potential prey, for example by fish swimming. The authors of a soon-to-be-published paper have used observations of seals to build a 3-D printed sensor that can be...
March is a great month for shark diving, both in the northern and southern hemisphere. Ningaloo Reef - Here come the Whale Sharks + Coral Spawning The Ningaloo Reef UNESCO...
Venomous sea creatures often change their venom recipe, adapting the potency and recipe of their venom to suit changing predators and aquatic environments.
As Plumose anemones can clone themselves, forests of them appear together. They comprise a tall, smooth column topped with a crown of feathery tentacles. Individuals are usually white or orange. They like areas with currents so tend to live on prominent pieces of wrecks or on rocky pinnacles - good diving areas.
Techniques for overcoming anxiety as a scuba diver. All divers, and especially new ones, can experience dive anxiety at times. Our tips help deal with anxious moments.
The seasons are beginning to change around the world in May and bring favourable dive conditions for some of the best destinations in the world. Australia It is a great month...
ContentsSee Whales in Australia and the Galapagos IslandsSharks Galore in Socorro, MexicoCocos Island for more ocean giantsDive Komodo for, well, everything See Whales in Australia and the Galapagos Islands June is...
July is a great month for liveaboard adventures to dive with ocean giants; be that with numerous sharks and rays at Cocos Island or the Galapagos Islands, or even diving with whales at the Great Barrier Reef,...
The ultimate rundown of the top 100 dive sites in the world, as voted for by scuba divers. How many have you dived?
Mexico is a top destination for August, as the conditions are excellent to see whale sharks, mobula rays and sea lions. For turtles - Malaysia is the place.