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Like many nocturnal fish, the Giant Squirrelfish, Sargocentron spiniferum, is red. To divers it is easy to spot during the day, but to other fish it blends into its dark crevice or cave.
That's what I was asked last week. Found in Belgium, this jellyish mop-head was the size of a dinner plate. The answer is a mass of squid eggs from the European, or Common,...
Wikipedia defines The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) as a slow-moving, filter feeding carpet shark and the largest known extant fish species. The largest confirmed individual had a length of 18.8 m (61.7 ft) Volunteering...
Few divers know about Mexico’s sardine run yet it rivals its equivalent in South Africa and is an impressive display of nature’s raw power. Accessible to divers and non-divers alike, all you need is a sense of...
A rare and fascinating portrait of a Crab-Eating Macaque resolutely swimming through the ocean, captured by Suliman Alatiqi, tops this year’s Ocean Art underwater photography contest. The photo is a result of weeks of planning and documentation,...
From the cuttlefish's incredible powers of mimicry even though colour blind, to waiting for a better reward like dogs and chimps.
How many manta rays are in the Seychelles? Where are they going? When are they there? All is revealed.
This newly described species is found only in the Red Sea. Often confused with Hector's goby, Hosai's goby has a yellow stripe going over its eye and rejoining behind.
It looks like we have a great haul of new, undiscovered species. By the time all our specimens are examined, we will be north of 100 new species.  But what’s really surprised me here is the fact this extends to animals like fish – we think we’ve got three new species of fish.
What do dolphins mean with their whistles, pops and non-verbal communications? With their large brains dolphins have many factors in common with humans.