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  One hundred and eighty-six species of the "Little Dragon" fish live from Iceland in the North to the Indo-Pacific oceans in the South. You will find the species we are concentrating on today,...
Blue Tangs are often found roaming the reef, in search of their favourite food - algae. They are surgeonfish which may appear either singly or in large schools, which can contain hundreds of individuals. The name surgeonfish comes from the...
Pinna nobilis, the giant bivalve, is endangered. Although in some places it has historically been abundant, there has been a lack of up-to-date information about its exact distribution. SCUBA divers therefore went looking for the giant mussel...
Table coral has a short, stout stem attached by a spreading base. Branches arise from the top of the stem and spread in a horizontal rather than a vertical direction, often fusing together.The closely set and interlocking...